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Jan 11, 2024

In this week’s episode, co-host Ryan Coonerty speaks with climate activist and host of the “Living Change” podcast Andrea Learned. Andrea advises corporate, political, and cultural leaders to harness the power of social media and storytelling to drive progress and promote climate leadership. Ryan and Andrea talk about how the fight against climate change is reaching a critical point in 2024 and about ways leaders at all levels of government can make changes in their personal lives, on their teams, and in their policy work to make a difference. They discuss the need to draw more attention to successful climate policies and what it takes to hold leaders accountable regardless of their party affiliation. Andrea also describes her path to activism and climate influence and how she brings a unique approach to creating impactful change. Tune in to learn Andrea's keys to effective climate storytelling and what it takes to get the media to tell the stories that the public needs to hear.


(02:23) A recap of the progress made in 2023 for combating the climate crisis.

(03:34) How to build the political will needed to mitigate the necessary changes.

(06:03) Changes that resonate with the community and develop political will.

(8:14) The power of sharing climate solutions with neighbors to enact change

(10:24) An example of some of the positive changes being made.

(11:38) Background on Andrea and her path to becoming a climate advisor.

(14:21) Positive and negative changes she has seen in the environmental space.

(16:29) Creating engagement in small ways to create significant change.

(17:36) Tips and advice for leveraging social media platforms to raise your voice.

(21:02) The impact that local leaders have on forwarding climate policy and inspiring hope in their constituents.

(23:11) How listeners can contribute to and join the climate influencer arena.

(24:40) Andrea’s current successes and what she is looking forward to in 2024.